"I approached Jessica after encountering recurring foot problems while running. These issues would surface every few weeks, preventing me from running for a week at a time, leading to immense frustration. However, since working with Jessica, I have noticed an immediate improvement in my condition. I felt stronger and even found myself running faster without any conscious effort.
The most remarkable change has been in my pace. Before, my fastest 'easy' pace was around 9:30. However, since working with Jessica, my easy pace ranges from 8:45 to 9:15, achieved with ease. Moreover, I've kept track of my stride, cadence, and other metrics, and have observed definitive progress. My stride is expanding, and my speed is increasing. As a result, I feel stronger and in better health overall.
All of this has been possible thanks to Jessica's expertise. She truly knows what she's doing. Thank you, Jessica."
- Ari
"This headline gets attention"
"Yesterday, I ran eight miles. Now, at 43 years old, this is a feat I hadn't achieved since my early twenties. Amazingly, I didn't feel overly tired and I wasn't in much pain.
Back in 2009, I had an ACL injury. After surgery and completing all the necessary rehab, I was never able to fully regain my previous functionality, even though I had worked with several excellent physical therapists. I was caught in a seemingly endless cycle of injury and recovery. My injuries were severe enough to halt my running. After resting for a few days, I could only manage a two or three-mile run. Understandably, this was discouraging.
Then I found the Run Pain Free Academy. From there, I received an immediate, detailed, and empathetic response from Jessica Marie Rose Legio. After a consultation with Coach Jessica, she quickly identified the hip issues I had been dealing with even before my ACL injury.
No matter what you've been told about your injury, I would urge you to contact Coach Jessica and seek her advice. There are things that physical therapists and surgeons may not know or may not tell you."